As I was getting ready to cut the remaining components tiles for the Simba Simple chair, I realized that I just duplicated one of the tiles, so I am actually only 4 of 8 tiles cut. No matter I will be ahead on the next chair.

I am going to start upgrade my OctoPies to the latest version (0.17) as Octoprint is moving away from Python 2.7 to Python 3. It is easier just to back up the Octoprint instance, re-flash the SD card with a clean image of OctoPi 0.17 and then restore the old Octoprint instance. Upgrading from 2.7 to 3 on an older OctoPi image seems like more work than it is worth.
The only issue I can foresee is those OctoPi I have setup for the MultiCam plugin (the Stacker 500 and Printrbot). That took some major configuration of the OS, and I don’t think I remember how to repeat the process.
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