This morning, while getting ready for school, McKenzie, my 11-year-old daughter, informed me that she need a breaking wheel for her saints school project by this afternoon. Of course, I had no idea what she was talking about, so she Googled an image of a breaking wheel for me. After some additional Googling, I settled up this image as the basis of my design:
Now I had to take this raster image and make it into a vector art, and here is where Inkscape came in to the rescue. I imported the raster art into Inkscape:
Then I opened Trace Bitmap under the Path menu:
And ran the trace:
Now I wanted out a cutting template, so I had to get rid much of the detail of the trace by deleting many of the interior nodes. I eventually came up with this:
Then I imported this SVG vector art into Inventable’s Easel web app:
I loaded a 26″x26″ sheet of 1/2″ MDF and let the Shapeoko do its work:
Ignore the timestamp. I forgot to reset the camera clock.
I rounded the rough edges with a trim router and a rounding bit and then added some cable clips to represent spikes on the breaking wheel. Hopefully, McKenzie will be impressed.
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